March 10, 2010
The Sommelier Says….
Hello and welcome to the newsletter for
Social Networking and wine
Twitter, Facebook, Blogs and YouTube. With all the various ways to communicate about wine (and myriad other pursuits), it’s a wonder we have any time left to sip and enjoy wine.
This may be why, according to a new study that 700,000 people watch wine-related videos each month. There are over 7,000 wine tweets per day, and over 1,300 bloggers focusing on wine. And the wine experience has become portable, with more than 300 iPhone apps.
Most-watched Wine Videos
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the most-watched online videos are not educational, but entertainment-oriented
1.Wine in an upside down glass trick
2. Drink to your health
3. Borat’s guide to wine tasting
Top Wine Blogs (measured by frequency in audience interaction over the previous 3 months)
The action on the top blogs centers around getting and giving specific recommendations.
1. Wine Library TV
2. 1 Wine Dude
3. DRINKnectar
Top Wine Tweeters (measured by number of followers)
In the 140-character world of Twitter, what brings in the followers is equal parts relevance and entertainment. The top Tweeters also are the ones who also take time to respond to followers.
1. @Jancisrobinson
2. @winetwits
3. @garyvee
Top Facebook Fan Pages (measured by number of fans/friends)
Note that all three are wineries, not wine critics or personalities. According to Song, “engagement” is what differentiates these three from the pack. “There’s a lot of activity, both from the vineyard and the fans, talking about their experience, sharing it. There are images, videos, even events for customers and fans, giving them a reason to return and participate.”
(And if you’re wondering why Jancis Robinson doesn’t dominate Facebook the way she does Twitter: she doesn’t have a page. She noted recently on Twitter, “My kids won’t let me do Facebook.”)
1. Barefoot Wine & Bubbly
2. Due vigne di familia
3. Bounty Hunter Rare Wine & Provisions
Most-searched Wine Terms
Screening out the most obvious terms (“wine,” “alcohol,” etc.), the wine terms most often searched on the Internet are:
1. Champagne
2. Red wine
3. Cabernet
4. Cellars
5. Pinot
6. Vineyard
7. White wine
8. Merlot
9. Sauvignon
What are some of your favorite online sites?
2010 Barrel Tasting weekend
Check out my video of the weekend!
Upcoming Events:
April- Two new wineries are coming to our area!
The first is Magnavino Cellars, the work of Robert and Barbara Wagner. I have tasted their wines and it looks like we have some exciting things coming soon. You can signup for the grand opening at:
The second is Four Brix Winery, Their release party is on April 24th 2010 at Lost Canyons in Simi Valley. Check their website for upcoming news and events.
If you would like to be removed from this list, please reply to me at and request removal from this list.
If you know someone that wants this list, please have him or her send me an email requesting to be included too!